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 Proto-Turkic Altaic etymology Meaning Russian meaning Old Turkic Karakhanid Turkish Tatar Middle Turkic Uzbek Uighur Sary-Yughur Azerbaidzhan Turkmen Khakassian Shor Oyrat Halaj Chuvash Yakut Dolgan Tuva Tofalar Kirghiz Kazakh Noghai Bashkir Balkar Gagauz Karaim Karakalpak Salar Kumyk Comments
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?igit / *c?ygyt ( ? -k-)face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"cotton seed(s)face="Times New Roman Star"хлопковое семя, семена
face="Times New Roman Star"c?igit (MK - Argu)face="Times New Roman Star"c?yg|yt, c?ig|it 'seed; freckle'
face="Times New Roman Star"c?igit (Sangl., Pav. C); c?yg|yt 'spots on a pregnant woman's face' (Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"c?igitface="Times New Roman Star"c?igit
face="Times New Roman Star"c?ijidface="Times New Roman Star"c?igit 'seed'

face="Times New Roman Star"c?igitface="Times New Roman Star"s?ijit

face="Times New Roman Star"s?igit

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 414, TMN 2, 88, Лексика 116.
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?yg-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to tie up (a parcel) 2 to sew (with small stitches) 3 parcel, pack 4 knot 5 to tie in a knotface="Times New Roman Star"1 увязывать (тюк, сверток) 2 шить (мелкими стежками), подшивать 3 узел (упаковка) 4 узел 5 завязать узлом
face="Times New Roman Star"c?yg|- 1face="Times New Roman Star"c?yky, c?ykyn 3
face="Times New Roman Star"c?ik 4 (Pav. C.), (OKypch) c?yq- 1 (AH)
face="Times New Roman Star"c?ig- 5, c?igik 4face="Times New Roman Star"c?ig-, c?ik- 5
face="Times New Roman Star"c?ig- 5, c?igin 4face="Times New Roman Star"syg|-la- 2
face="Times New Roman Star"c?i-de- 2face="Times New Roman Star"(ti:n u) c?yqyn 'small parcels in women's working room'

face="Times New Roman Star"c?ije 4

face="Times New Roman Star"c?yqy 3
face="Times New Roman Star"s?ije 'tightly bound'

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 405, VEWT 94. Forms apparently pointing to *c?yk- most probably reflect a contraction of the suffixed form *c?ygy-k-.
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?Ek- ( ? -i-)face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"silk bead embroideryface="Times New Roman Star"вышивка бисером по шелку
face="Times New Roman Star"c?ikin 'embroidered brocade' (MK)
face="Times New Roman Star"c?igen 'golden embroidery' (R - Kas.); c?ig- 'to embroider'face="Times New Roman Star"c?ikin 'floral designs embroidered in silk' (Sangl.)

face="Times New Roman Star"sige- 'to embroider'face="Times New Roman Star"c?ij tigis? 'вышивание гладью'

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 415-416, ДТС 143. Despite Clauson, cannot be < Chin.
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?eknface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"part of shoulder between the neck and shoulderbladeface="Times New Roman Star"часть плеча между шеей и лопаткойface="Times New Roman Star"c?ikin (OUygh.)
face="Times New Roman Star"c?ekin, dial. c?eg|in, c?eg|n
face="Times New Roman Star"c?ikin (Abush., Sangl.)

face="Times New Roman Star"c?ijinface="Times New Roman Star"c?igin

face="Times New Roman Star"c?i:nface="Times New Roman Star"s/an 'body'

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 415, VEWT 103, Дыбо 129-130, Лексика 238-239 (see there about details of phonetic reconstruction).
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?ym-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to pinch 2 a pinch, thimblefulface="Times New Roman Star"1 щипать, брать щипком 2 щипок, щепотка

face="Times New Roman Star"c?imdik, c?imz?|ik 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?emc?e-t-, c?emc?e-n- 1, c?emc?ek 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?imdi- 1, c?imdik 2 (Pav. C.), (CCum.) c?ymdy- 1face="Times New Roman Star"c?im-, c?imc?i-, c?imc?i-la-, c?imdi-, c?imi-t- 1, c?imdi-m 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?imdi-, c?imqi- 1, c?ymdim 2face="Times New Roman Star"z?|/ume- 'to pick out, pull out'face="Times New Roman Star"c?imdik-le- 1, c?imdik 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?u"mmu"k 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?ymz?|y-la- 1, c?ymc?yx 2face="Times New Roman Star"s?imc?i- 1, s?imc?ik 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?ymc?y- 1, c?ymc?y-m 2
face="Times New Roman Star"c?@b@t- 1, c?@pt@m, c?@pk@m 2 (?)

face="Times New Roman Star"s?ymc?y- 1, s?ymc?ym 2face="Times New Roman Star"s?ymz?|y- 1, s?ymz?|ym 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?ymc?y-, c?ymc?y-la- 1, c?ymc?ym 2face="Times New Roman Star"s?yms?y-, s?yms?y-la- 1face="Times New Roman Star"s?ymty- 1, s?ymqym 2face="Times New Roman Star"semte- 1, semte-m 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?imdi- 1face="Times New Roman Star"c?imdik 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?imde- 1, c?imdik 2, cymda-, c?ymda- 'to bite'face="Times New Roman Star"s?yms?y-, s?yms?y-la- 1, s?ym, s?yms?ym 2

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 108, TMN 3, 99, Егоров 323, Федотов 2, 413. Chuv. c?@b@t- is phonetically strange; it may reflect a secondary denasalization (Мудрак Дисс. 50), but may actually be a trace of a different root, cf. PA *c?`i/p`u/ or *c?`abo.
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?e.rface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 bodily heaviness, constipation (euphem.) 2 rotten, foul 3 to rot 4 illness 5 dirt 6 to be sick, ill 7 rot 8 glue 9 anguish, sorrowface="Times New Roman Star"1 запор (эвфем.) 2 гнилой, сгнивший 3 гнить 4 болезнь 5 грязь 6 болеть, хворать 7 труха, гниль 8 клей 9 тоска, скорбь
face="Times New Roman Star"c?er 1 (MK), c?er-le-n- 'to be constipated; to suppurate (of eyes)' (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"c?er 4, c?irk 5, c?iris? 'flour paste'face="Times New Roman Star"c?ir 4, c?irla"- 4, c?ere- 3, c?erek 7face="Times New Roman Star"c?ir 'tumeur, clou', c?ire- 'se de/gou/\ter'face="Times New Roman Star"c?iri- 3, c?irik 2, c?irk 'snuff; hardened wheel ointment'face="Times New Roman Star"c?iri- 3, c?irik 2
face="Times New Roman Star"c?a"r 'horse's heart attack', c?a"rla"- 6, c?irk 5face="Times New Roman Star"c?irk '(dirty) spot; insult', c?errik 'illness (of cattle)'

face="Times New Roman Star"c?iri- 3, c?irik 2
face="Times New Roman Star"c?ir, dial. c?e.r 4, s/@r- 3, 6, s/@r@k 2

face="Times New Roman Star"c?er 9, 'hard tumour', c?erle- 'to be anguished', c?iri- 3, c?irik 2, c?irenc? 8face="Times New Roman Star"s?er 4, 9, s?iri- 3, s?irik 2face="Times New Roman Star"s?er 4, s?iri- 3, s?irik 2face="Times New Roman Star"sir 4, sere- 3, serek 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?iri- 3, c?irik 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?iris? 8face="Times New Roman Star"ciri-, c?iri- 3, cirik, c?irik 2, c?yrys? 8face="Times New Roman Star"s?er 9, s?ir- 3, s?irik 2, s?iris? 'slime'
face="Times New Roman Star"c?er 4, 9, c?iri- 3, c?irik 2, c?irkew 'maggots in rotten food'face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 105, EDT 427, 430, TMN 1077, Егоров 211-212, 326, Федотов 2,111-112, 420. As Doerfer notes, Turkic forms of the type c?irkin 'dirty, nasty, ugly' (Chag., Tur., Gag., Tat., Uzb.) are rather borrowed from Persian c?irkin (which itself is derived from c?irk, borrowed < Turkic).
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?ir/-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to drawface="Times New Roman Star"чертитьface="Times New Roman Star"c?y/iz- (OUygh.)
face="Times New Roman Star"c?iz-face="Times New Roman Star"syz-face="Times New Roman Star"c?iz-, syz- (Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"c?iz-(mo|q)face="Times New Roman Star"siz-(maq)
face="Times New Roman Star"c?iz-face="Times New Roman Star"c?yz-face="Times New Roman Star"syz-yr- 'to scrape, plane'

face="Times New Roman Star"c?i/yz-face="Times New Roman Star"c?@r- 'to draw, scrape, tear'

face="Times New Roman Star"c?yz-, syz-face="Times New Roman Star"syz-face="Times New Roman Star"syz-face="Times New Roman Star"hyd|-face="Times New Roman Star"syz-face="Times New Roman Star"c?iz-face="Times New Roman Star"cyz-, c?yz-face="Times New Roman Star"syz-
face="Times New Roman Star"syz-face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 112, EDT 432, Егоров 323, Федотов 2, 413-414. The variant *syr/- is probably due to assimilation.
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?y:pganface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 furuncle 2 rash, pimpleface="Times New Roman Star"1 фурункул 2 сыпь, прыщ
face="Times New Roman Star"c?ybyqan (MK) 1face="Times New Roman Star"c?yban 1face="Times New Roman Star"c?uwan 1, c?ebi 'цыпки'face="Times New Roman Star"c?yban (Sangl.) 1face="Times New Roman Star"c?ipqo|n 1

face="Times New Roman Star"c?iban1, c?ivza" 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?y:ban 1
face="Times New Roman Star"s?ybyrg|an 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?ybytqan, (dial. - Верб.) c?ibis?ke 2
face="Times New Roman Star"s/ъw|ban, s/ъw|van 1

face="Times New Roman Star"s?ivis?ki 2face="Times New Roman Star"s?ibis?ki 2, 1
face="Times New Roman Star"s?yjqan 1face="Times New Roman Star"s?yjqan, dial. s?uba 1face="Times New Roman Star"sa"ba"rt- 'обметать губы', sebes?ke 'цыпки'
face="Times New Roman Star"c?yban 1face="Times New Roman Star"cyban, c?yban 1

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 106, EDT 396, TMN 3, 1151, Егоров 208, Федотов 2, 96. The Kaz. and Nogh. forms may be < Mong. (although they differ semantically).
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?yg (?-y:-)face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 reed 2 reed mat 3 things woven from reedface="Times New Roman Star"1 тростник, чий 2 тростниковая циновка 3 изделия, плетеные из чия (тростника)face="Times New Roman Star"c?yg| (OUygh.) 1face="Times New Roman Star"c?yg| (MK) 'reed screen'face="Times New Roman Star"c?yg|, c?ig| 'reed partition'
face="Times New Roman Star"c?yg| 2 (Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"c?ij 1, 3face="Times New Roman Star"c?ig| 1face="Times New Roman Star"z?|ig| 1

face="Times New Roman Star"c?ij 1

face="Times New Roman Star"c?ij 1, 3face="Times New Roman Star"s?ij 1, 3face="Times New Roman Star"s?ijboj 'любисток' (?)
face="Times New Roman Star"c?ij 2

face="Times New Roman Star"s?ij 2

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 107, 110; EDT 404, 412. Turk. > MMong. (HY 20) c?ix, WMong. c?ig, Khalkha c?ig, Ord. c?i:g 'bamboo screen'. The Nogh. form may be a compound; for the second part cf. *byn/an.
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?y:gan/face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 poor 2 mischief 3 impolite, roughface="Times New Roman Star"1 бедный 2 беда, несчастье 3 грубый, неучтивыйface="Times New Roman Star"c?yg|an/ (Orkh.), c?yg|aj (OUygh.) 1face="Times New Roman Star"c?yg|aj (MK), c?yg|an (MK - Argu) 1face="Times New Roman Star"c?yg|aj, c?yg|an (dial.) 1
face="Times New Roman Star"c?yg|aj (R), c?yg|an (R, Pav. C.) 1

face="Times New Roman Star"sa:j 2face="Times New Roman Star"s?a:j 2

face="Times New Roman Star"c?yjyr 2 (with an unexplained -r)

face="Times New Roman Star"c?yg|yn 3face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 107, EDT 408-409, Лексика 334. Chuv. c?uxan 'poor' may be of different origin (cf. an aberrant reflex of *g), cf. c?ux 'mediocre', c?uxъ 'poor' ( < *jok?).
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?ygyrface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to stamp, ram (ground) 2 stamped snow 3 boundary, limit 4 small pathface="Times New Roman Star"1 топтать, утаптывать (землю) 2 утоптанный снег 3 граница 4 узкая тропа
face="Times New Roman Star"c?yg|ru- 1, c?yg|yr 4 (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"c?yg|yr 4, 'coomb, trace of an avalanche'face="Times New Roman Star"c?yg|yr 3face="Times New Roman Star"c?yg|yr 'thawed spot' (Sangl.), 'snow stamped by strong wind' (Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"c?ijir 'trace'face="Times New Roman Star"c?ig|ir jol 4

face="Times New Roman Star"c?yGyr 3

face="Times New Roman Star"c?yg|yr 'bad road'

face="Times New Roman Star"s?y:r 2face="Times New Roman Star"s?y:r 'spot on snow or ground with many tracks'face="Times New Roman Star"c?yjyr, c?ijir 4face="Times New Roman Star"s?yjyr 'stamped'

face="Times New Roman Star"c?yjyr-t- 'to stamp snow, grass'

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 95, 107, EDT 409, 410. Cf. perhaps also PT *c?ig- 'to draw a line' (VEWT 110). Turk. > Mong. Khalkha c?ijr 'stamped road', Kalm. c?i:r 'eaten and stamped grass' (KW 443).
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?ypc?ykface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"sparrowface="Times New Roman Star"воробей, мелкая птица
face="Times New Roman Star"(MKypch.) c?apc?uq, c?ypc?yq (AH), s?yps?yq (Ettuhf.)face="Times New Roman Star"c?imc?ek, (dial.) c?abc?yk, c?ypc?ykface="Times New Roman Star"c?ypc?yq, dial. c?ypyjface="Times New Roman Star"c?ypc?uq, c?upc?uq (MA, Abush., Pav. C.), c?imc?ik (Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"c?umc?uqface="Times New Roman Star"tumuc?uq

face="Times New Roman Star"c?ymc?yq, dial. c?ypz?|yq
face="Times New Roman Star"c?imc?iges? 'titmouse' (Верб., Upper-Kond.)face="Times New Roman Star"c?ibilc?ik (dial.) 'a k. of bird' (R, Верб., Kumd.)

face="Times New Roman Star"c?ymc?yq; c?imeldirek (South.) 'a small green bird'face="Times New Roman Star"s?ybys?yqface="Times New Roman Star"s?yms?yqface="Times New Roman Star"sa"pseq 'wagtail; (dial.) sparrow', sypqaj 'утка-поганка'

face="Times New Roman Star"cyfcyqface="Times New Roman Star"s?yms?yq
face="Times New Roman Star"z?|imc?iq, dial. c?imc?ikface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 109, Лексика 176. Turk. > Mong. c?ipc?iqaj (TMN 3, 123, Щербак 1997, 113).
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?yk-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to go out, come outface="Times New Roman Star"выходить
face="Times New Roman Star"c?yq- (MK, KB)face="Times New Roman Star"c?yk-face="Times New Roman Star"c?yq-face="Times New Roman Star"c?yq- (Abush., Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"c?iq-face="Times New Roman Star"c?iq-
face="Times New Roman Star"c?yx-face="Times New Roman Star"c?yq-face="Times New Roman Star"syx-face="Times New Roman Star"s?yq-face="Times New Roman Star"c?yq-

face="Times New Roman Star"syg|aryj- 'to move, be displaced' (?)

face="Times New Roman Star"c?yq-face="Times New Roman Star"s?yg|-/q-face="Times New Roman Star"s?yg|-/q-face="Times New Roman Star"syq-face="Times New Roman Star"c?yg|-/q-face="Times New Roman Star"c?yq-face="Times New Roman Star"c?yq-face="Times New Roman Star"s?yg|-/q-
face="Times New Roman Star"c?yg|-/q-face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 405-406, VEWT 107-108.
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?o:c?kaface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 young pig 2 child, boy 3 pigface="Times New Roman Star"1 поросенок 2 ребенок, мальчик 3 свинья
face="Times New Roman Star"c?oc?uq (MK) 1face="Times New Roman Star"c?oz?|uk 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?uc?qa 3face="Times New Roman Star"c?oc?g|a 1 (Sangl.), (OKypch.) c?oc?qa (Houts.) 1face="Times New Roman Star"z?|uz?|uq 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?os?qa 3
face="Times New Roman Star"c?os?Ga 1, 3face="Times New Roman Star"z?|o:z?|uq 1 (cf. colloq. c?o:c?a 'camel')face="Times New Roman Star"sosxa 3face="Times New Roman Star"s?os?qa 3face="Times New Roman Star"c?oc?qo 3

face="Times New Roman Star"s?os?qa 3
face="Times New Roman Star"c?oc?qo 1face="Times New Roman Star"s?os?qa 1face="Times New Roman Star"s?os?qa 3face="Times New Roman Star"sosqa 3face="Times New Roman Star"c?oc?xa 3face="Times New Roman Star"c?oz?|uq 2face="Times New Roman Star"(K) c?oc?qa 3, c?oc?uq jatag|y 'afterbirth'; (T) c?oc?xa 'young boy (not a Karaim)', (H) cocka 2face="Times New Roman Star"s?os?qa 3
face="Times New Roman Star"c?oc?qa 3face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 113, ЭСТЯ 4, 28, EDT 400. See Stachowski 1985 with an extensive list of material but with a strange conclusion that the word "onomatopoetischer Herkunft ist und somit durch Autogenese zustande kam".
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?o:gface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"glowing heat, glowing coalsface="Times New Roman Star"жар, тлеющие угольяface="Times New Roman Star"c?og| (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"c?og| (MK)

face="Times New Roman Star"c?og| (Vam.)face="Times New Roman Star"c?u.g|face="Times New Roman Star"c?oq, c?og|face="Times New Roman Star"c?og|
face="Times New Roman Star"c?o:gface="Times New Roman Star"sog|face="Times New Roman Star"s?og|face="Times New Roman Star"c?oq

face="Times New Roman Star"suosface="Times New Roman Star"huos

face="Times New Roman Star"c?oqface="Times New Roman Star"s?oq

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 113, 114, Лексика 366-367, EDT 405, Stachowski 113 (Yak. suos = Tur. c?ogas? 'sun heat'). Turk. > WMong. c?og|, Kalm. cog (KW 429, TMN 2, 119, Щербак 1997, 113). Mong. > Yak. c?ox.
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?ok-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to peck 2 to delve, dig 3 to pick at 4 to stab 5 to pick (eyes) 6 pitfall, delveface="Times New Roman Star"1 клевать 2 долбить, копать 3 ковырять 4 закалывать 5 выкалывать (глаза) 6 рытвина, углублениеface="Times New Roman Star"c?oq- 4 (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"c?oq- 'to rush at the prey (of a bird)' (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"c?oku- 1, c?ukur 6face="Times New Roman Star"c?uqy- 1, c?oqy- 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?o/uqu- (Sangl., Pav. C. (5)); c?uqur 6 (Sangl.; starting with Old Kypch.); c?ux-la- 3 (MA 137)face="Times New Roman Star"c?u.qi- 1, c?uqu-la- 2, 3, c?uqur 6face="Times New Roman Star"c?oqu- 1
face="Times New Roman Star"c?uxur 6face="Times New Roman Star"c?oq- 1, c?uqanaq, c?uxur 6face="Times New Roman Star"sox-la- 1
face="Times New Roman Star"c?oqu- 1, 3

face="Times New Roman Star"c?oqu- 1, c?uqu- 3face="Times New Roman Star"s?oqy- 1, s?uqy- 1, 3face="Times New Roman Star"s?oqy- 1, s?uqy- 2, 3face="Times New Roman Star"suqy- 1, soqo- 2, 3
face="Times New Roman Star"c?uqur 6face="Times New Roman Star"c?oq- 'to sting', c?og|y- 1 (K), c?/сuqu/yr 6face="Times New Roman Star"s?oqy- 1, s?uqy- 2, 3
face="Times New Roman Star"c?oqu- 1face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 114, 119, EDT 406. Kypchak languages suggest a distinction between *c?oky- 'to peck' and *c?uky- 'to dig, delve', absent elsewhere, and possibly a result of interdialectal loans.
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?ol-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 crippled 2 to deteriorate, dwindle 3 defect 4 short-staturedface="Times New Roman Star"1 калека (с дефектной рукой) 2 убывать, иссякать 3 порок, изъян 4 куцый, короткийface="Times New Roman Star"c?oluq (OUygh.) 1, c?ol- 2, c?olmaq 3 (OUygh. late - Suv.)face="Times New Roman Star"c?oluq (MK) 1; c?olquj 'worn (of a sole), crippled (of an arm, hand)' (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"c?olak; c?olpa 'unskilful, awkward'face="Times New Roman Star"c?ulaqface="Times New Roman Star"c?olaq (Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"c?o.lo|q 'handless, lame', c?o.lto|q 4; 'bungler, unskilled person'face="Times New Roman Star"c?olaq 1, 4
face="Times New Roman Star"c?olaG 1face="Times New Roman Star"c?olaq 1

face="Times New Roman Star"c?oltuq 4face="Times New Roman Star"c?olaq 'handless, lame'

face="Times New Roman Star"s?oluq 'sensitive, huffish'
face="Times New Roman Star"c?olu- 'to pull out, pick out', c?olz?|uj- 'become curved, warp', c?oloj- 'become short, limbless', c?oloq 1, 4face="Times New Roman Star"s?olaq 4, s?oltyj- 'to shorten'face="Times New Roman Star"s?olaq 1; s?oltan|-la- 'to move aside angrily'face="Times New Roman Star"sulaq 1face="Times New Roman Star"c?olaq 1face="Times New Roman Star"c?olaq 1face="Times New Roman Star"c?olaq (K) 1face="Times New Roman Star"s?olaq 1, 4
face="Times New Roman Star"c?olaq 1face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 419-420, VEWT 115, TMN 3, 89, Дыбо 152. Turk. > Mong. c?olaq (Щербак 1997, 113). The existing forms are derived from a verb *c?ol- 'become defective' (cf. the attested OUygh. c?ol- and forms like Kirgh. c?olu-).
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?om- / *c?o"m-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to dive 2 to swim 3 to scoop 4 to immerse, dip 5 scoopface="Times New Roman Star"1 погружаться, нырять 2 плавать, купаться 3 черпать 4 окунать 5 черпак, ковшface="Times New Roman Star"c?om- = c?o"m- 1 (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"c?om-, c?o"m- 1 (MK), c?o"mc?e 5 (MK Oghuz)face="Times New Roman Star"c?o"mc?e 5face="Times New Roman Star"c?um- 1, c?u"mec? 5face="Times New Roman Star"c?om- 1 (Abush.)face="Times New Roman Star"c?u.m-(mo|q) 1, c?u.mic? 5face="Times New Roman Star"c?om-, c?om-ul- (pass.) 1, c?o"mu"c? 5face="Times New Roman Star"c?omys? 5 (ЯЖУ)face="Times New Roman Star"c?o"mc?a" 5
face="Times New Roman Star"som- 1,2, somnax 'spoon'face="Times New Roman Star"s?om- 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?o"m- 1, 4, c?omyjaq 'pannier made of birch bark'
face="Times New Roman Star"c?ъw|m- 1 ( < Tat.?; c?ъm 'jar' may be < Pers., see Федотов 2, 401)face="Times New Roman Star"som-us- 3
face="Times New Roman Star"s?ym-yn- (refl.) 1face="Times New Roman Star"s?om- 1, s?omuq 'a small trough made of birch bark'face="Times New Roman Star"c?omul-/c?o"mu"l- 1, 2, c?o"mu"- 1, c?o"mo"- 4, c?o"mu"c? 5face="Times New Roman Star"s?om-yl- (pass.) 1, 2, s?o"mis? 5face="Times New Roman Star"s?om-yl- (pass.) 1, 2, s?omaqa , s?o"mis? 5face="Times New Roman Star"sumy- 1, su"mes 5face="Times New Roman Star"c?o"mu"c? 5
face="Times New Roman Star"(K) c?o"m- 1, (T) c?om- 1, 2, (H) com- 1, 'to flow'; (K) c?omyc?, (T) c?o"mu"c? 5face="Times New Roman Star"s?om-yl- (pass.) 1, 2, s?o"mis? 5face="Times New Roman Star"c?um- (c?o"m-) 1, 2 (ССЯ)face="Times New Roman Star"c?om- 4, c?omuc? 5face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 115, TMN 3, 95-99, EDT 422, Егоров 319. Cf. also *c?amc?ak / -y- 'big spoon' (VEWT 98; < *c?om-c?ak?). Various forms meaning 'to squat' may belong here as well (cf.: Tur. c?o"mel-, Az. c?o"ma"l-, Gag. c?o"mel-, Turkm. c?ommal-, Tat. c?u"ma"s?-, Kaz. s?o"mej-, KBalk. c?o"mel- ('trip over'; cf. also c?o"mel-t- 'to turn over; dip someone into water'), with a secondary semantic development ('dip, dive' > 'fall or sit down, squat'); cf. similar semantic shifts in PT *c?o"k-.
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?okface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 many, very 2 vile, hooligan 3 to gather, multiply 4 group, crowdface="Times New Roman Star"1 много, очень 2 дурной, хулиган, баловник 3 собирать(ся), размножать(ся) 4 толпа, множество
face="Times New Roman Star"c?oq 1 (ДТС - KB), c?o:q 2 (MK - Oghuz), c?og|-al- 3face="Times New Roman Star"c?ok (-g|u) 1, c?og|al- 3
face="Times New Roman Star"c?oq 1 (Sangl., Oghuz-nama, AH), c?oq- 3 (Abush.)

face="Times New Roman Star"c?ox 1, c?oxal- 3face="Times New Roman Star"c?oq (-qu) 4face="Times New Roman Star"sox 2
face="Times New Roman Star"c?oq- 3

face="Times New Roman Star"s?og| 2
face="Times New Roman Star"c?oq 1face="Times New Roman Star"s?og|yr 4face="Times New Roman Star"s?oq 'дружно'

face="Times New Roman Star"c?oju 4, c?oq-la-n- 3face="Times New Roman Star"c?oq 1, c?og|y 4 (K)face="Times New Roman Star"s?oq 2, 4

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 113, EDT 405, 406. The Oghuz adverb 'much', in the 12th c. (KB) 'very, extremely', is probably the same word as c?oq 'bad, vile'(Ogh. 11) (cf. also the Tuva parallel). Turk. > Mong. (Khalkha) cox in cox xara 'very black'. The identification of c?oq-(la-) 'gather, collect' with c?og|-la- 'to bind, pack' (ДТС) or c?oq- 'to bend' (EDT) is rather dubious. Vocalic length is unclear (cf. the voicing of -k- in Western Oghuz).
face="Times New Roman Star"*c?o"k-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to kneel down 2 to sink 3 to sitface="Times New Roman Star"1 опускаться на колени 2 оседать, тонуть 3 присесть, сесть на корточкиface="Times New Roman Star"c?o"k- 2 (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"c?o"k- 1 (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"c?o"k- 1face="Times New Roman Star"c?u"k- 1face="Times New Roman Star"c?o"k- 1 (Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"c?u.k- 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?o"k- 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?oGe- 3face="Times New Roman Star"c?o"k- 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?o"k- 1, 2
face="Times New Roman Star"s?o"k- 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?o"go"-do"- 1
face="Times New Roman Star"s/ъk- 'to fall', s/ъw|g-ъw|n- 1face="Times New Roman Star"su"gu"ru"j- 1

face="Times New Roman Star"c?o"k- 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"s?o"k/g- 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"s?o"k/g- 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"su"k/g- 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?o"k/g- 1, 2, 3face="Times New Roman Star"c?o"k- 1, 2, 3face="Times New Roman Star"c?o"k-, cok- 1face="Times New Roman Star"s?o"k/g- 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?o"k-, c?o"x- 1 (ССЯ)face="Times New Roman Star"c?o"k/g- 1, 2, 3face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 117, TMN 3, 120-122, EDT 413-4, Егоров 205, Федотов 2, 90-91. Turk. > WMong. c?o"ku"(le)-, Kalm. c?o"kl- (KW 444; TMN 2, 121, Щербак 1997, 113).
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